PROJECTS / Water Strategy Implementation

Water Strategy Implementation

Latin America and the Caribbean

October 22, 2020

The National Water Council (Consejo Nacional de Agua –CONAGUA) has been consolidating itself as the planning agency for the water sector in Panama. CONAGUA’s Technical Secretariat oversees the implementation of the goals stated in the 2015-2050 National Water Security Plan (Plan Nacional de Seguridad Hidrica—PNSH). In a previous assignment, The IDB hired K&M to support CONAGUA in the preparation of its 2020-2024 Strategic Plan. Following on this assignment, the IDB extended a new contract with K&M to support CONAGUA’s Technical Secretariat in the implementation of the Strategic Plan, through the definition of a detailed work plan. K&M will also prepare an Institutional Strengthening Plan for CONAGUA’s technical secretariat.


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